What is Reiki & FAQ

What is Reiki?

Reiki is universal energy, it is also sometimes referred to as Prana, Mana, Chi, Qi, and Life Force Energy. This can be directed at a person's energy centers to heal or cleanse these areas.  

How is Reiki Performed?

An initiated Reiki practitioner will direct the Reiki towards a person's energy centers, also known as chakras. They do this by first calling upon the energy and consequently channeling it through themself and via their hands sending it to a person. This can be hands-on or hands-off body or even done at a distance with the practitioner and the client being miles apart or even on the other side of the world.

How Long Does a Reiki Session Take?

Reiki can be sent for as long or short as you want. See it as a cleansing that you can do for any amount of time. This can be a quick one min, an hour, or 2-hour session. 

What Is Reiki Used To Treat?

Reiki can be used to balance energies, clean chakras, and even relieve physical pain. It can help balance emotional and mental issues. Usually, Reiki practitioners direct Reiki towards a person with the intention to trust the Reiki to know where it needs to go.

How Much Does Reiki Healing Cost?

Reiki sessions can cost anything between $50 to $100, this depends on the length of the session. Sometimes practitioners will give short free sessions.

What Do You Feel When You Receive Reiki?

People report feeling soft energy flowing over them, other people report seeing colors, or feeling really light. 

Can Reiki Unblock Chakras?

Reiki can help balance and unblock chakras if this is needed. The Reiki practitioner will send and trust Reiki knows what and where to go, which sometimes can mean not unblocking chakras as there is a reason why they are blocked to start with. Reiki will most likely move things that need to be moved to set things in motion for them to be unblocked later on. 

Is Distant Reiki Less Effective Than In-Person Reiki?

Distant Reiki is as effective as receiving Reiki in person. You will experience the same sensations that you would in person. 

What are the 5 Reiki Principles?

There are 5 principles that are considered Reiki Mantras that help encourage a person to promote a healthy and loving life. These are the 5 principles:

  1. Just for today, I will not worry
  2. Just for today, I will not be angry
  3. Just for today, I will do my work honestly
  4. Just for today, I will be grateful for my many blessings
  5. Just for today, I will be kind to all living things.

How Many Levels of Reiki are There?

There are 3 levels for a Reiki Practitioner, all give them different levels of giving Reiki.

  • Level 1: This allows a Reiki practitioners to send healing Reiki energy to themselves.
  • Level 2: This level allows a Reiki practitioner to send healing to others. It is very common to teach levels 1 and 2 at the same time. 
  • Level 3: This level allows a person to teach other people, and technically is not needed if a person only wants to work as a Reiki healer.