About Us

About Happy Lillyme: Nurturing the Union of Science and Spirituality

Happy Lillyme is born from love, curiosity, and the convergence of passion, fueled by the serendipitous journey of a scientist holding both a BSc and MSc in a scientific discipline.

Venturing into spirituality as a scientist might seem unconventional, yet Happy Lillyme challenges these boundaries. While academia may cast a skeptical eye, curiosity knows no limits, resulting in the birth of Happy Lillyme.

As time has passed, Happy Lillyme has blossomed, now embracing Reiki Distant Healing sessions in its array of offerings. Many moons ago, Lilly undertook a Reiki course, her scientist's mind coupled with an innate curiosity. The passage of years witnessed the accumulation of unexplainable coincidences. Paired with her gift of sensing the uncharted, Lilly acknowledged Reiki as an essential component in healing, whether physical, mental, or spiritual. It is now at the core of Happy Lillyme's mission.

Believing in the symbiosis of the law of attraction and wellness, Happy Lillyme embodies holistic self-care and soulful healing rituals.

Our Mission: Guiding You on Your Healing Odyssey

We are dedicated to accompanying you on your unique healing expedition. Recognizing that each path is distinct, we offer tools to complement your journey. Our offerings span various realms:

🌟 Distant Reiki Healing: Our online Distant Reiki healing beams energy to support your life's voyage.
🛍️ Shop: Our selection includes objects to enhance rituals and carry healing energies as crystal accessories, lending fortitude throughout your day.
📚 Articles: Our blog is a wellspring of insights, delving into crystals' curative powers, Reiki, spirituality, and holistic well-being for your Body, Mind, and Soul.

Happy Lillyme is the shared space where growth thrives, mysteries are explored, and connection flourishes.


Note: Our journey embraces shared exploration, with results unique to each individual. This description is meant to illuminate, not replace, professional advice.