What Supplements Are Good For Anti Aging?

It’s probably safe to say that everyone – from Hollywood celebrities to the rest of us – would like to be able to slow down the aging process. Skincare companies are wise to this, marketing a wealth of products – some crazier than others (snail facial, anyone?) – as having anti-aging properties. 

But which ones actually work? Let’s take a look at some of the most popular. 

Does Retinol Help With Anti Aging?

Three forms of vitamin A are routinely used in high-end skincare – retinol, retin-A and trentinoid. According to a new study, vitamin A used this way has been proven to 'reduce wrinkles and promote the production of skin-building compounds.' 

And While we're on the Subject: Beta Carotene

Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that converts to Vitamin A. It protects the body from free radicals and is thought to help slow cognitive decline as we age. It has also been proven to help reduce wrinkles. You can take this in tablet form, but the dosage is important when it comes to skin benefits, and in this case less is more. In a recent study, thirty healthy women over the age of 50 were given two different doses (30 and 90 mg/day) for 90 days. At the end of the study the women given the 30mg daily saw a reduction in wrinkles. 

Is Collagen Anti Aging?

A high-quality collagen supplement – usually available in powder, capsule or gummy form – can do wonders for your skin, hair and nails – but you need to choose wisely when buying. 

Collagen is the main protein that forms the connective tissues – skin, bone, hair, cartilage and tendons – and its job is to help them stretch. Our bodies start losing collagen from the age of 18, but this decline really ramps up around 40, when we typically start to lose around 1% per year. By the time we reach our 80s we are producing around 75% less collagen than a young adult. 

So a collagen supplement is a no-brainer for anyone who wants to look and feel their best over the age of 18! But be careful – collagen is expensive, so you want to make sure you’re spending your money in the right place. 

Molecules are measured in daltons, so look for the dalton weight of a collagen supplement before buying it. Anything around 2000d or will give maximum absorption. Anything larger and the body is unable to utilise it. Also choose a supplement that offers over 10g – anything less than that will have very little effect. 

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera gel is traditionally used directly on skin that has been damaged by the sun, but is it any good taken orally? 

A 2009 study  suggests that taking a daily aloe gel supplement significantly reduced the appearance of wrinkles in just 90 days. 

Scientists measured the skin elasticity of 30 women over the age of 45. Half the women were given a low dose (1,200 milligrams per day), and the other half received a high dose (3,600 milligrams per day). After 90 days their skin was measured again – both groups saw an improvement in skin elasticity and collagen production, and a reduction in wrinkles. A further study in 2015 had the same results. 

Vitamin C

Many people take a vitamin C supplement daily to strengthen their immune system, and there are some reports that show that a daily vitamin C boost can help the skin, too. An antioxidant that helps to create collagen in the skin, vitamin C can be found in fruits and , but a good quality vitamin C supplement is recommended. 

There is some evidence that applying a topical gel containing vitamin C can help improve the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of sun damage on the skin. In one small study from 2008, 10 people used a vitamin C gel on one side of their face, and a placebo gel to the other side. They saw a significant improvement of the vitamin C-treated side after 12 weeks. 


This is an enzyme we produce naturally, and like everything is lost as we age. Supplementing CoQ10 via creams is well known to help improve skin quality, and there are many high-street and high-end brands that include CoQ10. 

Studies, including this one, show that using a skin cream daily with a good source of CoQ10 can have dramatic and positive effects on the quality of your skin, especially as you age. 

However, there are also studies that show a dramatic improvement in skin quality around the eyes and mouth when taking a high dose of CoQ10 orally. In this study using 34 middle-aged women, a dramatic improvement in skin quality was seen after 3 months taking a supplement containing CoQ10 orally. 


Judging by the evidence above, it is worth giving any of these supplements a try if you are looking for an effective anti-aging solution. As with all new regimes, it’s recommended to commit to at least three months before you start seeing results. 

Remember, however, that no amount of vitamins and antioxidants can replace a healthy lifestyle. Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and drink at least three litres of water per day. Most importantly, make sure you have a good self-care regime in place. Daily facial massage is one of the best ways to keep skin looking young. Lymphatic drainage using a gua sha tool will keep skin quality at its peak. Regular meditation and an exercise regime – preferably outside in the fresh air – will benefit the body and mind, and ensure you look great whatever your age. 

It is possible to combat the most dramatic signs of aging without resorting to botox, fillers, and facelifts – and the great thing about supplements and self-care is that you’ll get a load of other benefits, too! 

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