Healing Properties of an Amethyst Crystal

Amethyst is a stone that has been used for centuries as a stone of spirituality, and its ability to heal the mind, body and spirit have been recognized from all around the world. Amethyst is known as one of the most powerful stones in existence because it can draw off negative energy by absorbing it into itself. This makes amethyst an excellent choice for those who are working on healing themselves. 

The name amethyst derives from the Greek word "amethystos," which means "not drunken." Amethyst was considered to protect against intoxication, and it was even used as a method of weaning people off drinking. Ancient Greeks wore amethysts believing they would prevent drunkenness and it is said that Roman Emperor Nero has worn amethysts believing they would make him immune to poisoning.

Calming properties

Amethyst also has very calming properties which make it great at relieving stress or anxiety when placed over your third eye during meditation. If you are feeling overwhelmed with life problems or just need some time alone to recharge, placing amethyst on your forehead will help soothe away all of your worries while helping you gain clarity about what actions to take.

Amethyst is a powerful and protective stone, and because of its color variation, it brings to us many varieties of energies. It also provides opportunities for people who didn't find their specific purpose in life. Amethyst connects universal energies and brings them to oneself.

Enhances Psychic Abilities

It is used as a bridge between worlds, allowing the wearer to communicate with other realms. Amethyst connects you with your angels and higher guidance. It also protects from psychic attacks and negative energy, as well as provides the ability to see the truth in situations where normally we'd block ourselves from doing so. Amethyst is known as the "Wisdom Stone" because of its ability to open one up to intuitive messages. Amethyst is also said to have been used as a tool for divination, to induce visions and bring about astral projection.

Promotes Tranquilities

Amethyst also helps with insights on how to remain calm and peaceful regardless of what may be happening around you. It provides mental strength, patience, dispels anger and rage, reduces stress and nervous anxiety.

Offers Protection

Some of the amethyst's metaphysical applications include the protection of environments and homes, especially when placed in a grid or used in meditations. It also guards against psychic attacks, transmuting the energy into love and protecting from all that is not positive.

There are a lot of things that amethyst can do for you, but it is best if you keep one by your side because it will be able to help you better when it's around.

Promotes Peace

It is also believed to bring emotional stability and inner peace, helps with addictions such as smoking, helps you feel more alive by bringing back your energy vibrancy, and creativity enhances your spiritual life by allowing you to connect with your guides more easily,

Balances Emotions

Amethyst also can remove energy blockages, it can help heal emotional issues, release anger and frustration, calm fears, bring relaxation to the mind and nervous system. It can allow you to discover your inner strength, increase spiritual awareness by stabilizing your aura. It is said that amethyst amplifies healing energies, and helps the body assimilate vitamins and minerals more effectively.

All in all the Amethyst has a large variety of healing abilities. It is also a beautiful crystal which to no surprise has probably made it one of the most popular. It can be used for a lot of things, like calming yourself, enhancing your psychic abilities, and promoting tranquilities. What type of energy do you get from your Amethyst crystal? Let us know in the comments below!

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