What Can I Expect During a Distant Reiki Healing Session

You can expect Distant Reiki Healing treatment to slightly vary from practitioner to practitioner. This can vary from the way they conduct the session to the strength of their abilities. But what can you expect during a distant Reiki Healing session in comparison to an in person treatment? 

Sending Reiki Healing Energy Remotely

One aspect of Distance Reiki, Distant Reiki or Remote Reiki, is that the practitioner and client are not in the same place. The main idea is that time and space don’t exist and that with pure intention you can direct Reiki or Universal Life Force Energy towards a person, at a distance. When the connection is made energetically it doesn’t matter if there is a video call or not, if there are stones, crystals, a pillow, or a drawn stick figure on a paper to represent the person. However, having a video connection is popular however not necessary.

Some Reiki Healers like to see the person during the video call so they have a visualization of where they are sending the energy. Others hold their hands facing the camera and visualize Reiki going through the camera.  Each Reiki practitioner will develop their own technique which works for them. 

What Must I Do During a Distant Reiki Healing Session?

Often you are asked to lie down or sit down comfortably, following which you should do nothing but relax and let the Reiki healing happen. If you are not in a video call with the practitioner you can set a timer as it is possible that you might fall asleep. 

How Does Distant Reiki Feel?

Most people report feeling the same as they would with in-person Reiki. They can feel a light energy flowing over them as the practitioner goes from Chakra to Chakra. Some people can see or feel colors, experience a warm feeling, or specific emotions. Other people report feeling a white light coming over them or sensing a deep sense of peace throughout the Reiki session. It is also not uncommon for some people to sense the presence of a spirit or guide, or even a past family member or even a pet who has passed away. But most of the time people describe feeling a sort of energy coming over them. It is very common for people to doze off to sleep or remain half awake in a sleep state similar to a yogic sleep state.

What Does a Reiki Practitioner Feel During Distant Reiki?

When a Reiki Practitioner starts to tune into Reiki their hands can start to tingle and sometimes the top of their head can tingle as well. This tingling feeling be explained by the Reiki entering their Crown Chakra. Sometimes Reiki practitioners, when tuning into the clients energy, can start feeling similar pains that their client is experiencing. This pain will then immediately disappear after the session, or only last for a couple of seconds. When passing from Chakra to Chakra their hands can feel warmer or more tingly at one specific Chakra. Images can appear in their mind's eye, colors and other sensations can also be experienced. But mostly they will be in a state of meditation acting as a conduit of the Universal Life Force called Reiki to flow through them towards you. 

What Are Reiki Practitioner’s Bad Practices? 

There are some bad practices out there that you should be aware of. 

Not Respecting your free will 

A Reiki Practitioner should always respect your free will. If you do not wish to receive reiki, nobody is energetically allowed to send you reiki. They should under no circumstances give you Reiki. If a person is unable to respond because for some reason or another they are unable to speak, there is a way to ask for permission. However free will is the most important concept in this type of work.

Manipulate Energies

A practitioner should never attempt to manipulate energies, only act as a conduit of the Universal Life Force Reiki Energy and direct it towards your energy centers and body. Rest assured that Reiki energy will only go where it is needed.

Giving a Reading

Telling what you should do or shouldn’t do is also not the best as they are not giving you a psychic reading. 

Not to Force Opening Chakras 

If Chakras are blocked, there usually is a reason why they are blocked. Removing a blockage or something else can have less desirable effects. It is therefore that Reiki energy will always be sent with the intention that it knows best what the client needs to serve their higher good.

Master Level Trumps a Level 2 practitioner 

One can get certified as a Reiki master fairly quickly, however, this does not necessarily make someone better than a level 2 who has been practicing for 10 years. The main difference between the certificates is that a master can teach others, however if you do not want to teach Reiki there is no reason for a person to become master. On the otherhand purely from a marketing perspective, Reiki Master does sound better, but in essence it’s not needed to receive Reiki.

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