8 Rose Quartz Healing Properties

Rose Quartz is a stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. Its healing properties can help you to feel re-energized, calm, and content no matter the circumstances. Rose quartz has been used to promote spiritual self-love. It's also thought that this powerful gemstone may be able to balance your emotions, bringing back feelings of happiness when you're feeling down or anxious.

1 Unconditional Love

Rose Quartz is a stone of motherly love and feminine energy. It links your heart to the earth, uniting with all living things in its deep connection for life's cycles from birth through death - including you!

2 Help Open Psychic Abilities

It's also thought that rose quartz can be used to open up your intuition and psychic abilities, especially when combined with the metaphysical properties of other stones.

3 Infinite Peace

Rose Quartz is a stone of infinite peace. It helps you move away from chaos and unrest into calm contentment (and has even been known to attract love!). The divine energy of rose quartz will help you to promote positive energy around your home and life and is thought to protect against negative outside influences. The emotional healing powers of rose quartz give lasting positive results as it empties suppressed negative emotions.

4 Heals the heart

It heals broken hearts by releasing self-resentments such as anger or hurt feelings. Strengthening love or romantic relationship. It's a stone that urges you to speak your truth, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. It also helps release fears and insecurities about love and relationships, making space for new love to enter.

5 Emotional healing

The emotional energy of Rose Quartz is soothing and gentle enough for most people to feel its effects, but strong enough to be felt by people who are normally insensitive to subtle energy. Rose Quartz opens the heart chakra, making it great for working with on a daily basis.

Rose Quartz is also really helpful at alleviating feelings of loneliness and self-doubt.

6 Positivity boost

Rose quartz is linked with positive energy and has been known to attract love! It helps you to move away from chaos and unrest into calm contentment.

7 Balance emotions

Rose Quartz is said to help balance your emotions, bringing back feelings of happiness when you're feeling down or anxious. Rose Quartz helps you to move away from chaos and unrest into calm contentment.

8 Balances Chakras

The Rose Quartz's ability to balance the Crown and Sacral Chakras helps you to be open to receiving divine love, clearing away any self-doubt or fear that has been blocking it.

If you’re looking for a stone that will help support your love life and promote the feeling of peace and calm, then rose quartz is an excellent choice. Whether you choose to wear it as jewellery or incorporate it into rituals such as candle magic, this crystal has many healing properties.

Do you wear one or incorporate it into rituals? What other benefits do you get from the crystal? Let us know!

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