5 Ways How Rhodochrosite Helps Manifest Your Dreams

When we have dreams we want to realize we can be held back by all the emotional clutter that we’ve accumulated throughout our lives. With the loving compassion energy from rhodochrosite crystals, we are confronted in a subtle way so we can manage to get through it and slowly but surely we have more headspace to focus on our dreams. 

1. Personal Power

Your personal power can get hidden or deflated over the years as some of us just become less and less self-confident. This could be because we’ve had relationships that were slightly toxic or interactions at work that have left you a little bit rattled. Rhodochrosite will bring what is hidden from the surface back to the light, this is not only suppressed issues but also suppressed positive aspects of your personality so your personal power is reinstated to its righteous self.

2. Wil power

Our thoughts often get clouded by other people’s opinions and we can become insecure. They could be around very specific subjects in our lives, for instance, our love life. We can be very sure of ourselves when it comes to the direction we want to take in our career, yet not when it comes to our romantic life or visa versa. As we work on balancing our energies, our will power gets amplified, as we are no longer hampered in knowing what we want.

3. Determination

When our energies are getting balanced and we are no longer distracted by imbalance and can harness our true inner powers, the only thing we are left with is our dreams and with nothing standing between you and them. This leaves you focused and determined in realizing your goal, and before you know it you will have manifested your goal.

4. Visualization

The thought is the seed of any action. Rhodochrosite crystals helps you visualize your dreams to take that first step into making them a reality. Visualizing how this will happen, is a bit part of manifesting your dreams as you are in a sense planning the steps you have to undertake. 

5. Compassion 

The core aspects of Rhodochrosite will always be compassion, therefore your dreams stem from this place and will heavily influence them.

I’d like to think that when Rhodochrosite has done all its energetic work on removing all your blockages, what’s left is all positive contributions to realize your dreams. While sitting in meditation and holding rhodochrosite crystals an interesting exercise is to try and clear your mind and see what thoughts pop into your head. Make a note of them.

I’d love to hear your experience with Rhodochrosite crystals, leave them in the comments below.

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