5 Things a Reiki Practitioner Can Feel During Distant Reiki Healing

I thought this topic deserves an article by itself as I can go on and on about all the different things that I have ever felt, seen, and experienced. As a scientist (yes I actually have a BSc and an MSc) I have been indoctrinated that energetic healing is nonsense, which is probably why I am always so excited and amazed when things just can’t written of as just a mere coincidence. There are just too many of them… Life has kept on showing me paths towards this type of work which I ventured into with much curiosity.  

Energies Coming From a Chakra

After I have performed a Reiki session, distant or in person I always like to just give a quick recap of what I have felt to the client. This is not really necessary, but I always find it helpful as I would have felt things that affirm something that they didn’t tell me. So in the beginning I went over a client's throat chakra, where I sensed in a clairsentient manner that a person spoke a lot, not in a malicious manner, but just spoke a lot. Much to my surprise, the client had told me she was a teacher and she talks all day long. As opposed to that I have felt my own throat tightening and feeling that there was a need to express myself to surrounding people. The client in question resonated with this completely.   

Physical Pain

When my hands hover over a person's body, whether in person or not I feel these electrical zaps on the inside of my hands every now and then. When telling the client about these later on most report having a physical injury at this place and some still experiencing pain.


I have noticed that this zap is really intense when the pain is very acute. For instance, my mother has had a couple of times that she burned her hands or pinched her hand in the door, and in giving her instant reiki, I felt this zap nearly piercing my hand and just let my hand absorb the pain while giving Reiki. Both my mom and I were stunned that her pain disappeared after a couple of minutes whereas just minutes before she was crying out loud from piercing pain.

Mirroring Clients Pain

It is also very common for healers, or sensitive people, not only Reiki practitioners, to suddenly feel actual physical sensations the clients are having. These can be very specific headache sensations, like a throbbing pain just over the left eye on the corner of the eyebrow, knee pain on one specific side, or a tingling sensation on the arm. Not only physical pain but also sadness or grief can be felt, these sensations can be felt very briefly or remain for the duration of the Reiki session. From the Reiki practitioner's view, sensing all these things can, at first, be very confusing and even unsettling as this is a very odd thing and I’m sure some people think it is just ridiculous. However, as time goes on and you notice that these sensations are exactly described by the clients it becomes more and more clear that they really are not your own.

Energetic Beings

It is also not uncommon for energetic spirits to appear. When finishing up with a client I held my hands on her Heart and Solar Plexus and took a few breaths and suddenly there was a monk wearing a brown hooded habit standing next to us. He then disappeared.


I have been blessed with having seen auras of clients every now and then. I am so fascinated by these, and other than having researched the colors and knowing what they mean I do not know what the purpose of seeing them is as they are just fleeting pretty colors. Other than that Aura’s can be so absolutely breathtakingly beautiful, personally I do not know what to do with the information.


These are just a couple of examples and I am sure there are many more. One thing to take away is that a Reiki Practitioner is only a conduit and should only channel the Reiki energy through them towards you, asking and trusting the Vital Life Force Energy to flow where it it most needed.

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