5 Healing Properties Of The Black Tourmaline Stone

Black tourmaline is a crystal made of sodium iron aluminium borate silicate – a beautiful black stone that has been used as a protector for thousands of years. This ‘spiritual bodyguard’ has shielding, grounding and calming qualities, and is useful in many rituals. It is also said to protect against electromagnetic pollution from wifi, your computer, smartphone and tablets. Black tourmaline’s deep inky colour and vertical striations make it wonderful to look at, and it has been used in jewellery for centuries. 

Black tourmaline has long been used in spiritual practices around the world – from shamanism to witchcraft and everything in between. This is due to its spiritual potency and its safeguarding qualities. Healing can’t take place without grounding, and black tourmaline does just that. You also need a protector when doing any kind of ritual – another job for black tourmaline. 

Worn on a ring or crystal bracelet, black tourmaline will repel any bad energies that try and latch on to you as you go about your daily business. Black tourmaline is a healer, protector and all-round good guy. If you’re looking for a gift for a loved one, a black tourmaline bracelet, ring, or pendant, makes the perfect present. A lump of black tourmaline makes a great ornament for their home. It will watch over them and keep them safe. 

Let’s take a look into black tourmaline’s healing properties, and discover why you should make room for black tourmaline in your life. 

Removes Negative Energy

Are you feeling overwhelmed, fearful, and depressed? Do you find yourself plagued by dark thoughts? Are you surrounded by technology at every turn? Are you simply a human being living in the 21st century?! Then you need some black tourmaline. This crystal will absorb negative energies from your field, cleansing your aura and allowing your brilliance to shine again. 

Keep it with you or hold it during a meditation. For example, try visualising the stone absorbing negative energies and transforming them into rays of sunshine. Protect your space by placing a black tourmaline in each corner of your room, creating an invisible protective grid. Wear a black tourmaline crystal bracelet when dealing with emotional vampires – it will ward them off. A black tourmaline is a good addition to your office desk for that very reason!

Transforms Anxiety Into Joy

Anxiety is a fact of modern life, and something all of us deal with from time to time. If you suffer from anxiety – whether constant low-level worries to panic attacks – black tourmaline can help. This grounding and calming stone removes anxious thoughts and helps you relax, allowing positive energies to circulate once more. Because we all know we can’t let our light shine if we are constricted by fear. 

How can you incorporate black tourmaline into your practice? Try bringing yourself back to a calm state by holding a black tourmaline during a restorative breathwork exercise, for example. An extended out-breath (try breathing in for 5, and breathing out for 10-15 seconds) for a few minutes will shift your state away from anxiety, allowing joy to take its place. Additionally, adding a black tourmaline to your altar will work wonders in calming you down before you start your day. 

Restores Self-Confidence

We all need a boost now and again, and black tourmaline is one of the best crystals for restoring confidence. Black tourmaline tells you that you are worth it, just as you are – and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! Take it with you to a job interview or first date (in your pocket, obvs!). You’ll feel more capable and able to say yes to life, without doubting your abilities. And when you say yes, the magic happens. Remember, you miss all the shots you don’t take, and black tourmaline helps you take the shots. 

Grounds The Spirit

If you’re a sensitive type and you find yourself floating off into the stratosphere on the regular, black tourmaline can help. The crystal has grounding properties and helps to strengthen the root chakra. Black tourmaline will help you feel connected to the earth. Just remember – it’s safer to explore the higher vibrations when you know you are connected safely to the physical plane. Don’t underestimate the power of a good grounding practice. It is also useful if you find yourself disrupted by other people’s emotions – you know what I mean, empaths. Let black tourmaline focus your energy where it should be – on yourself. 

Strengthens The Immune System

Black tourmaline isn’t just a powerful spiritual protector – it also does wonders for the physical body. Because it is such a protective stone, it can also, allegedly,  help to keep the immune system in peak condition. And the immune system is what protects you from diseases, viruses, and other invaders. Keep black tourmaline by your bed at night and it will watch over you while you sleep. If you are concerned about viruses, it’s not a bad idea to wear black tourmaline in the form of a bracelet or pendant while out and about. 


Black tourmaline is a potent all-rounder that is a must in every crystal lover's toolkit. We all experience a lack of confidence, or an overwhelming sense of fear, from time to time. We all need a boost - whether emotionally, physically, or spiritually, and black tourmaline gives us all three. 

Black tourmaline reminds us that we are protected. It also lets us know we are of the earth, and belong here. The healing properties of black tourmaline are easy to access – simply wear a crystal bracelet, or carry a stone in your pocket. 

Remember when purchasing a new crystal, to dip it in saltwater first to cleanse it of other people’s energies. Once it is cleansed, activate it by holding it, breathing slowly, and focusing on your intention. Tell your crystal what you want it to do for you – ie repeat ‘protect me from negative energies’ aloud a few times, before offering it your gratitude. Then you’re good to go!

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