4 Rhodochrosite Healing Properties

Rhodochrosite is a crystal with intense healing properties that work on rigorous acceptance of the past, removing negative energies that block the energy flow of the body. Thereby re-aligning your energies so you can focus on harnessing the power that is inherent to you, leaving you to manifest your dreams.

It’s such an unusual crystal, it brings your underlying issues to the surface in a gentle loving manner, wrapped in a blanket of compassion. Making it easier for you to get to terms with them.

1 Compassion 

Compassion is the key to this gemstone, the underlying mechanism of how it will help you is by tackling your hidden negative energies with compassion. It will gently bring issues you haven’t dealt with to the surface and will help you come to terms with them. It can help you with compassion for yourself or others when you are dealing with inner emotions or outside situations and relationships. 

2 Comfort

Are you going through a difficult time? Sometimes there is nothing we can do but sit with our emotions. This can be difficult at times which is why we tend to suppress things within our minds. When the wounds are fresh, Rhodochrosite crystals will offer you comforting energy to help you get through your tough time. 

3 Feeling Whole

Rhodochrosite works very gently and slowly in balancing your energies. Negative energies will be shed as you deal with issues at your own pace and positive energies will be revived, which will lead you to get back in touch with your true self. Gradually you will start feeling whole again.

4 Acceptance of Yourself

Are you struggling with yourself? Are there things you don’t like about yourself, however, can’t change? We live in a world where people value material things and we have a specific image of success and expect people to be in a certain way. Many of us don’t align with these values but feel the pressure to conform away from who we really are. 

Or we can look back at certain situations and just kick ourselves for not having ‘said this’ or ‘done that’ and can beat ourselves up over it. We are not perfect, it is impossible to live a life and not make mistakes. Accepting oneself completely and living truthfully as who we are can sometimes be very difficult, luckily rhodochrosite can help us with self-compassion, so we accept who we are and live truthfully.

An interesting approach to how to work with your crystals and finding out the individual personalities of them and how they can help you is to hold them in your hands and just try to sit in stillness and try to become aware of your body and mind and take note of any unusual thoughts, feelings, or aches.

I’d love to hear your experience with Rhodochrosite crystals, leave them in the comments below.

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