4 Cleansing Properties of Rhodochrosite

Rhodochrosite has healing properties and they work in a specific manner. These are some of the active ways Rhodochrosite helps you with your healing process.

1 Purifies Blockages

Crystals work with your energy field, with their own specific ‘personalities’ as it were. For rhodochrosite, this comes in the form of gentle compassionate energy, which will work its way through your energy field. ‘Energy bundles’ might have appeared over time when you were facing difficulty, they will slowly be raised to the surface, so you can deal with them at your own pace. Rhodochrosite helps you in dealing with negative energies by dissolving them with compassion.

2 Mend Relationships 

Going through life without having disagreements with others, is pretty impossible. However, sometimes these disagreements can have detrimental effects on a relationship with a loved one. You are left devastated and not knowing what to do, and this can sometimes last for years. Rhodochrosite with its intense gentle compassion power can influence and mend relationships. Encouraging compassion within each individual’s heart, untangling the issues, and fueling it with compassionate energies can have an effect on both parties to suddenly see things more from each other’s perspectives and stimulating acceptance. 

3 Release of Emotional Wounds 

We all have gone through emotionally difficult times, some more than others, and sometimes we are just left with an emotional wound that we don’t know what to do with, other than covering it up and dealing with it at a later time, which might never come. When you can’t change the past and can’t undo what has been done, accepting circumstances that have caused you pain, and dealing with your emotions can be one of the toughest things we go through. Rhodochrosite will be your supply of compassion for yourself, and slowly allow you to heal your emotional wounds.

4 Mental Imbalances

Suffering from any kind of mental disorder or imbalance is very tough to go through. It is said that rhodochrosite with all the properties mentioned above can help align your energies and thus help you with clarity when struggling with mental imbalances. Crystals can give comfort and help in ways that modern science has not figured out yet. It is of course advised to keep seeking professional help and not fully rely on crystals with these types of issues. 

Working with crystals is really intuitive work and everybody’s energy is different and changeable while working with crystals you can sense the energy of them, some in a subtle way and others in a more profound manner even physical manifestation of an ache, which will disappear once you’ve let go of the crystal. Trying to sit in stillness with holding crystals and noticing thoughts emerge is also a very interesting approach.

I’d love to hear your experience with Rhodochrosite crystals, leave them in the comments below.

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