10 Anti-aging Foods To Eat For Younger Looking Skin

It is said that you are what you eat, and when it comes to your skin, there is some truth in the old adage. We all know that eating a diet of fast food, high in sugar and bad fats, is going to show up on your face. Hello, tired-looking skin, wrinkles, spots and more! So what are the anti-aging foods that really help you look younger? Can you really eat your skincare?

The answer is yes – and it’s surprisingly easy. We’re not talking about a rare root found deep in the Amazon rainforest, or an algae that only grows high in the Himalayas. Everything on this list can be bought in your local supermarket and incorporated into your lifestyle. So, get out your shopping bag, update your online order, and summon your butler – its time to turn your fridge into a facialist! 


No surprises that this popular fish is at the top of the list of food that makes you look younger. Salmon is rich in omega oils, which are particularly good for the skin. What’s more, salmon’s youth-providing qualities are regularly praised by Hollywood celebrity skincare supremos – most famously Dr Nicholas Perricone, whose book The Perricone Prescription is on the bookshelves of many an actor over a certain age. Try his Three-Day Detox Diet, which recommends salmon twice a day, for three days. You heard it: salmon twice a day. Need more proof? Baby-faced fashion designer and everyone’s favourite ex-Spice Girl Victoria Beckham eats salmon every day, and Sex and the City’s Kim Cattrall is also known to be a fan.


Berries are also among Dr Perricone’s superheroes of skincare. Bursting with antioxidants, blueberries are also low in sugar – a notorious skin-aging ingredient. Blueberries are particularly high in anthocyanins, which have strong antioxidant properties, and give blueberries their purple colour. Blueberries are also good for the circulation, which helps the skin maintain a healthy glow. Eat these anti-aging fruits whenever you can – in smoothies, on your breakfast cereal, or in yogurt. To save money, buy them frozen – like many items on this list they are a lot cheaper from the freezer!


Another delicious way to eat for younger-looking skin, papaya is high in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, and is supposed to minimise fine lines and wrinkles. Vitamins A, C and E, a multitude of Bs, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus all pack anti-aging power into this tropical fruit. Another one for the smoothie or the breakfast bowl!


Rich in vitamin E, high in omega 3 fatty acids, and offering a big dose of healthy protein, nuts are a supermodel’s secret weapon. A small handful of nuts will keep you going between meals, reducing the danger of snacking on sugary skin-wrecking treats. You can’t go wrong with almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts and pistachios – just make sure you stay away from the roasted and salted versions, as they offer less nutritional value and way more dodgy calories. 


Here we find another great source of healthy fat that plumps the skin and delivers a dose of vitamins, including vitamin A to shed old skin cells. The best thing about eating avocados for young-looking skin? Once you’ve made your delicious salad, simply rub the inside of the avocado skin over your face before you sit down to eat. This impromptu avocado face mask takes the wrinkle-busting qualities of this versatile fruit straight where they’re needed. Just make sure you wash your face before answering the door, or you could scare the postman.


Not only is pineapple the main ingredient in the best cocktail in the world, it is also a great source of manganese. This mineral is involved in the formation of collagen, which is what helps our skin stay supple and elastic. Collagen declines rapidly as we age, so topping up on manganese – and in a roundabout way, drinking more piña coladas – is one of the best gifts we can give our skin. To keep your skin looking young, look no further!

Red Peppers

And we’re back to the anti-aging power of antioxidants. Red peppers are full of antioxidants called carotenoids – in fact any fruit or vegetable that is red, orange or yellow will be bursting with them. Carotenoids are anti-inflammatory and help protect the skin from sun damage and pollution. Just another reminder to eat the rainbow!


Like spinach, another green leafy superfood, watercress is bursting with vitamins A and C. But what are the other benefits of watercress? This green supremo acts as an antiseptic from the inside, clearing up skin conditions and adding to a healthy glow. This delicacy also increases the circulation, aiding the delivery of minerals throughout the body, and resulting in enhanced oxygenation of the skin. Add a handful of watercress to your salad and reap the benefits. 

Dark Chocolate

Who else is happy this is on the list?! Dark chocolate is great for the skin (and we’re talking good quality bars here, none of your cheap sweetshop treats) and is full of antioxidants. It also satisfies sweet cravings and keeps you away from skin-damaging sugary treats. High in magnesium, dark chocolate has a positive effect on the body, reducing stress and therefore preserving the skin’s natural radiance. 


There is a lot of research being done on the benefits of probiotics on skincare. These healthy bacteria are found in fermented food such as kimchi and kefir. Probiotics have been shown to help maintain a lower skin pH (aging skin has a higher pH). Live yogurt is another great source of probiotics – try eating it with your skin-saving blueberries and nuts. You can also use live organic yogurt as a facemask or facial wash – some people swear by it as a treatment for spots and acne. 

Eat Your Anti-aging Skincare!

So, while we will get great results from the latest skincare innovations, facials, and anti-aging facial massage, it pays to take note of what we are eating. For a truly holistic approach to anti-aging, we really are what we eat. 

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